Delivery Schedule

Monday – Friday

Moe, Moe South, Newborough, Yallourn North, Yallourn Heights, Hernes Oak, Trafalgar, Trafalgar East, Morwell*, Churchill*

Times Slots:

830 AM – 1130 AM
1130 AM -130 AM (Excluding Thursday & Wednesday)
130 PM – 330 PM
330 PM – 530 PM


Willow Grove, Hill End, Tanjil South

Time Slot: 1130 AM – 130 PM


Erica, Rawson, Moondarra

Time Slot:

1130 AM – 130 PM
Pickup from Rec Reserve @ 100 PM
Delivery Run starts at 12:00 PM

Note: Delivery Times are estimated and may vary.

Items will not be left at door without prior arrangement (Esky or Fridge at door is recommended)
*Delivery times to to these areas may be adjusted to fit in with other runs. Please contact store for confirmation before placing order